Dear GCI Community Member,
When the Great Cranberry Futures Group was founded over thirty years ago, and the original island gas pump was installed, it was through the vision and collaboration of a group of individuals who believed that improving infrastructure on the island would secure a better future for all. Today, the time has come to modernize for the next generation, as our gas pump is reaching the end of its useful life. The potential for the tank or pump to fail, the high cost of repairs, and the recent news that our antiquated credit card processor may no longer be supported, have made it clear that the best course of action is a full system replacement. Whether or not you personally use the pump, we hope you will recognize that everyone on the island continues to benefit from this critical service.
After soliciting quotes from two regional vendors, our Board has voted to move forward with Simard & Sons of Lewiston, Maine. Once the necessary funds are raised to comfortably satisfy their deposit requirements, we will be able to set a start date for the work. The projected cost for replacing the pump, tank, pedestal, and credit card processing system, plus permitting fees and contingency funds for unexpected issues, is estimated at $60,000. Funds already raised in 2023/2024 and earmarked for this project total $10,000, leaving an additional $50,000 remaining to be raised.
Direct Project Costs: $60,000
Futures Group Project Funds Available: $10,000
Community Contributions Needed: $50,000
Champions for this project are needed – no gift is too large or too small, and many hands make light work! We remain grateful to those who have already given towards this effort, but we can only move ahead with broader community participation. As a non-profit organization, the Futures Group relies on donations to fund its operations and, most importantly, to help keep gas prices stable and affordable for island residents.
Donations can be made through Paypal or sent via mail to:
Great Cranberry Futures Group
P.O. Box 115
Cranberry Isles, ME 04625
As a reminder, monthly Futures Group meetings and minutes are public, so please join us or send questions/suggestions to our Board any time. Our newly re-designed website now features a Community Calendar for public events – submissions welcome! Please also join our Facebook group for real-time updates.
With gratitude for your consideration of support,
Deb Schoch, President
GCI Futures Group Board of Directors